Men's Health

Men’s service – Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Wellness With Style offers TRT for Men with symptoms of hypogonadism. Our program offers specialized care to patients for men who are having symptoms of low testosterone.

As men age, Testosterone level decreases and symptoms start to develop.

Symptoms of low Testosterone include but are not limited to:
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain (especially abdominal fat)
  • Decrease energy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduction of lean body mass and muscle strength
Male muscular belly, close-up, black man's abdominal relief.

Your medical provider will go over in detail on the day of the visit the risks and benefits and will tailor treatment based on the patient’s needs.

How does it work?

Make an appointment online for initial consultation. The medical provider will go over in details of medical history and explain treatment thoroughly.

Benefits of Testosterone replacement therapy is but not limited to: 
  • Improve mood
  • Decrease body fat
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Improve sexual function
  • Improve overall well being
Risks of Testosterone replacement therapy –
  • Enlarging breasts (Gynecomastia)
  • Worsening sleep apnea
  • Oily skin leads patients who are prone to acne to develop more acne
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia and growth of existing prostate cancer
  • Reduce sperm production
  • Increase of red blood cells production which can lead to increased risk of blood clots

Lab work will be ordered on the day of the visit.

A follow up visit after lab work is resulted; provider will interpret lab results and go over in detail with the patient the designed treatment and medication will be ordered.

Patients will follow up in 8 weeks with another set of labs to adjust medications.

This is a subscription program that includes Testosterone therapy. Any other therapy will be charged separately. Testosterone is a control medication and is prescribed and refilled based on the dosage. We use a reputable compound pharmacy and medication is sent to the patient from the pharmacy. If a patient is suspected to be abusing medicine they will be discharged from practice. We have zero tolerance.


Don’t waste time, it is never late to feel good about yourself and live a healthy life.